Friday, July 27, 2012


Feds seize dozens for firearms, including machine gun, from Kauai postal worker's home

"Hamura is facing charges of possessing a machine gun and lying about having permission to use the other person's firearm license to buy a weapon."

"Troy Haruki Hamura, used his job as a letter carrier to intercept the" Guess that's legal.

"Federal agents seized a large collection of firearms -- including a fully automatic M-16A1 assault rifle -- and 23000 -- rounds of ammunition."

"During the interview, Hamura turned in 19 unregistered firearms." Guess that's legal.

"The rifle is stamped 'Property of the U.S. Government' and has not been reported lost or stolen."

"The pretrial services discovered Hamura is taking medication and is under a doctor's care for deperssoion and other mental conditions." Seeking bail.